Discover the next place you can meet up with Alane to learn more about The Red Sun, Legends of Orkney, and BattleKasters!
Watch this video to discover what fans and the creators are saying about this new wave in transmedia platforms and mobile gaming.
BattleKasters will be at Denver Comic Con May 23 – 25
Come visit the team behind Legends of Orkney and the mobile game inspired by the book series, BattleKasters! You can find BattleKasters in the E.D.G.E. area of the conference at booths DD19 & DD20 and play the game that turns live events into a magical life-size game board. Be the first to close the stonefire for a chance to win a copy of The Red Sun and limited edition Dave Dorman (legendary Star Wars artist) artwork. Be the first to own a copy of The Red Sun (the first book in the Legends of Orkney series) and hear more about BattleKasters in a number of exciting panels.
Here is the panel schedule if you will be attending:
Saturday 11:45 – 12:35: BattleKasting: Denver Comic Con as Game Board – Legends of Orkney Brings Us the Future of Transmedia and Gaming | Room 703
Saturday 4:50 – 5:40: Post Modern Mythology | Schedule B Room 203
Sunday 4:25 – 5:15: Writing Sequels and the Series | Room 205
Sunday 5:35 – 6:25: Then Comes the Dragon: Making Magical Realism Real | Room 205
Monday 11:00 – 11:50: Elves, Aliens, and Ghosts, Oh My! – Otherworldly Teens | Room 205
Monday 3:40 – 4:30: Frankenlearning: Philosophy and Video Games | Room 203