Discover the next place you can meet up with Alane to learn more about The Red Sun, Legends of Orkney, and BattleKasters! Watch this video to discover what fans and the creators are saying about this new wave in transmedia platforms and mobile gaming.
Upcoming Events
More events coming soon!
BattleKasting for Literacy
For the first time ever, BattleKasters will be played at schools and libraries across the country. The game, based on Alane Adams’ middle-grade fantasy book series The Legends of Orkney, allows kids and adults to interact with characters from the book series and get excited about reading. Here’s what people are saying and where we’re playing!

Announcing the 2016 BattleKasters Tour – coming to a city near you!
We are excited to announce the launch of the 2016 BattleKasters Tour. BattleKasters will be coming to libraries and schools all across the country to host live, interactive game play based on the Legends of Orkney series of books by Alane Adams. Current cities on the tour include Anaheim, Orange, Philadelphia, New York City, Boston, Chicago, Seattle and Orlando. Stay tuned for our official events calendar, coming soon!

American Libraries Magazine recognizes BattleKasters
American Libraries Magazine highlighted Lexington Public Library’s use of BattleKasters as an “innovative summer reading program” in their recent article “How to Get Teens in the Library this Summer.”

BattleKasting for Literacy Lexington
Lexington is turning into a live game board all summer long by participating in BattleKasting for Literacy! Lexington Public Library is teaming up with Alane to expand their Discover Summer reading program by offering points for reading, playing BattleKasters, engaging on social media and attending library programs. BattleKasters game installments will be featured at the following locations continuously during the summer months:
- Champs Entertainment Center, 297 Ruccio Way, Lexington, KY 40503
- The Morris Book Shop, 882 East High Street, Lexington, KY 40502
- Lexington Public Library – Eastside Branch, 3000 Blake James Drive, Lexington, KY 40509
Alane will also discuss the inherent power of literacy with students and faculty of Bryan Station Middle School, Fayette Regional Juvenile Detention Center, Leestown Middle School and Lexington Traditional Magnet School.

BattleKasting for Literacy Seattle
In February and March we visited five schools and local bookstores, bringing BattleKasters to the Pacific Northwest!
Season of BattleKasters
Past Events
Latest News

BattleKasters in The Orange County Register
The newspaper interviewed Alane Adams for their feature story “How to get kids to read? The sword is mightier than the pen.”

BattleKasters in Story Monsters Ink magazine
The magazine interviewed Alane Adams for their feature story “Alane Adams Casts a Spell on Gamers with BattleKasters.”

BattleKasters wins four Silver Addys
- Digital Creative Technology, Innovative Use of Interactive / Technology
- Digital Creative Technology, Mobile Interaction
- Digital Creative Technology, GPS & Location Technology
- Apps, Games

DDO Players
BattleKasters is a spell-casting adventure being played at fancons across the United States. A downloadable mobile game, BattleKasters is an extension of Alane Adams’ Legends of Orkney™ book series. It turns live events into dynamic game boards, allowing questing players to collect digital trading cards and cast magic spells that literally change the state of the game for everyone playing. Fantasy illustrator Dave Dorman, best known for his Star Wars artwork, has created original art for BattleKasters, which players of the game can win. Learn More

Fox 59 – Live morning coverage
“BattleKasters” will donate $2 dollars for every game download and they’ve already promised $2,500 to the foundation so far. Learn More

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Among the thousands of gamers attending Gen Con 2015 are more and more educators.
A growing number of teachers, curriculum creators and librarians are researching how to incorporate games into programs designed for students.
A series of seminars associated with Gen Con sold out this year with 600 attendees.
Beth Pital, a librarian in the Indianapolis Marion County Public Library system, attended the seminars as well as Gen Con on Friday.
She spent the day researching and purchasing games that could expand a student’s learning potential by utilizing reading and math skills.
“There’s always something new and you never know what’s out there,” Pital said. “People have fun when they play games. It puts students in a good mood, so they’re more likely to learn more.” Learn More

World News Network
Alane Adams and The Indianapolis Public Library Foundation Issue $5,000 “BattleKasting for Literacy” Challenge at Gen Con Adventure Book Series Author Hosts Reading Event at Central Library, Invites Gen Con Attendees to Play Free Mobile Game to Raise Money for Indianapolis Public Libraries. Learn More
Game Gumshoes
Don’t miss BattleKasters, a new frontier in mobile gaming at gaming conventions.
This free-to-play, downloadable mobile game will transform Gen Con into a magical game board that anybody can affect by playing. Learn More
Gen Con for Good
Local NBC news
Tweet highlighted on 10 News. Learn More
The Grand Geek Gathering
SDCC 2015! Alane Adams, Doug Jones, and Len Wein interviewed on our show that focuses on conventions and con-life! Hear what the creator of Wolverine and many other characters is up to, what Nobility is, what is the status of HellBoy III, who Brunin the Bear is, what is the Legend of Orkney, and so much more!
Join Tyler, Evan, Jeff, and Albert in this exploding episode where we talk about or experiences with 2015’s San Diego Comic Con! We are so excited to have, not only our first interview EVER, multiple interviews for you to enjoy! Learn More
OC Mom Blog
BattleKasters was the highlight of Comic-Con San Diego this year as the new “it” game being introduced to guests visiting the Gaslamp area. While at Comic-Con this year, we had a unique opportunity to get an in-depth look at the game, and the book that inspired the creation of the game. Learn More
At SDCC, I was able to sit down with both the book’s author, Alane Adams (The Coal Thief), and the game’s creator, Brent Friedman (Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, Empires and Allies, Halo 4). I first sat down with Friedman and began to become engrossed in the world he was describing. The first thing Friedman described was how the game will tie into the book series. The game will fly under its own banner as BattleKasters, but has everything to do with the Legends of Orkneybook series. So what sets this game apart from the thousands of mobile games out in the field already? Well, Friedman describes BattleKaster as a “location-based gaming experience.” Experience is the operative word here. Friedman continues with his description, noting that “there is something different about playing a game where you actually have to wander around that takes it beyond just sitting there and typing onto a screen.” You read that right, folks. You’re going to have to go outside. Learn More
Sentinal Republic
BattleKasters was played by hundreds of gamers during Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo and Denver Comic Con and the game has been hailed as an exciting new way to experience cons. For attendees and those looking to enjoy a family-friendly, offsite adventure, BattleKasters entertains and excites players of all ages. “It’s another thing to have a sustained exhibition several blocks from the main event”. Learn More
Comic Bastards
BattleKasters, a downloadable augmented reality game that turns live events into game boards, is coming to Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015. From July 9-12, players in San Diego’s historic Gaslamp Quarter will have the chance to win $5000. In keeping with the BattleKasters creators’ goal to drive the literacy movement forward, half of the grand prize will go to a library of the winner’s choosing while the other half goes right to the winner. All players who complete the game will also get a chance to spin the BattleKasters Wheel to instantly win prizes such as: a copy of The Red Sun, BattleKasters original art by famous Star Wars artist Dave Dorman, Legends of Orkneyoriginal art by Jonathan Stroh, BattleKasters sunglasses, gift cards, and more. Anyone interested in playing BattleKasters or purchasing The Red Sun before its official August book release, can get more information on or at the Gaslamp Museum. Learn More
Stop by the Gaslamp Historic Museum to play BattleKasters, a new mobile game based on the book series The Legends of Orkney that turns events into live game boards. The Gaslamp District will be the next BattleKasters game board where players can cast spells, collect digital trading cards and go on a quest for a chance to win a 50/50 prize where half of a $5000 giveaway goes to the player and the other half goes to a literacy cause of their choice. Games will be played July 9-12 from 11 am to 8 pm. BattleKasters, a book series and mobile gaming experience for fans of all ages, was created by Halo 4game designer Brent Friedman, Star Wars artist Dave Dorman and award-winning author Alane Adams, Legends Of Orkney.
Games Gazette
After 32 years on paper Games Gazette is now a free online Reviews & News magazine. Link Tabs to the reviews are above.
The lists below show some of the recent review additions. Neither I nor Games Gazette can accept responsibility for any problems
you may encounter with URL links found on this site. Each site has been visited prior to being posted but we cannot give any
guarantee for third party sites
Role Player’s Chronicle
BattleKasters, a downloadable augmented reality game that turns live events into game boards, is coming to Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015. From July 9-12, players in San Diego’s historic Gaslamp Quarter will have the chance to win $5000. In keeping with the BattleKasters creators’ goal to drive the literacy movement forward, half of the grand prize will go to a library of the winner’s choosing while the other half goes right to the winner. All players who complete the game will also get a chance to spin the BattleKasters Wheel to instantly win prizes such as: a copy of The Red Sun, BattleKasters original art by famous Star Wars artist Dave Dorman, Legends of Orkney original art by Jonathan Stroh, BattleKasters sunglasses, gift cards, and more. Anyone interested in playing BattleKasters or purchasing The Red Sun before its official August book release, can get more information on or at the Gaslamp Museum.
Our Ordinary Life
With Comic-Con coming up in San Diego, so many people are getting ready to see what is new for this year. I am sure Comic-Con 2015 will not disappoint the senses and excitement that becomes of downtown San Diego. Every year technology is always bring a new way to experience the arts and culture that many conferences have to offer including Fancons. A couple of Free San Diego Comic-Con 2015 events include one called BattleKasters.
San Diego Bargain Mama
Think Harry Potter and Percy Jackson meshed into one complete story of action, adventure and magic;The Red Sun, the first book in a six-book series written by award-winning author Alane Adams that will be available August 4th.
Sassy Mama in LA
You guys- it’s here! It’s Comic Con time! Right about now, you’re scheduling the events to hit and booths to visit, wondering just how many amazing things you can see in one place, but did you know that there are also some family friendly off-site activities for San Diego Comic Con? That’s right, you and your family can be part of something fun, something different…and something where you can possibly win a $5000 grand prize that will be split between the winner and the winner’s library of choice.
A Spectacled Owl
Everyone in my family is a gamer of one level or another. We all love video games and are self-described nerds and geeks. Obviously as a mom, I keep an eye on what they play and anything that can tie in education with video games is always going to catch my attention and make me want to learn more. When I heard about a mobile game called BattleKasters that was based on a book series, I knew it was something we had to check out.
The OC Mom Blog
Comic-Con is an event that your family is not going to want to miss, and BattleKasters is taking Comic-Con by storm. During the event, the all-new mobile game is going to transform the Gaslamp Quarter into a Game Board from July 9th-12th. Players will have a chance to win a $5,000 grand prize that will be split between the winner and the winner’s library of choice..
It’s hard to believe San Diego Comic Con started out 45 years ago when four friends decided to throw a one-day convention for comic books.
Fast forward to today, and the epic, four-day summer extravaganza is a hub where blockbuster movies, buzzy T.V. shows and cutting-edge video games have eclipsed the still-present comic book realm.
Now, Comic Con is a mandatory stop for big and small screen studios and the fans that devor their content. The convention attracts about 150,000 people and pumps upwards of $200 million into San Diego’s economy? Uh, yeah, so when we say it’s huge, we mean huge.
BattleKasters captured the imagination of many at Denver Comic Con (myself included) and we can’t wait to see more.
BattleKasters represents a new form of engagement, built on Artifact Technologies Mixby platform. This beacon-driven experience allows freeform exploration of the convention space. Players who download the game are challenged to a race against time to cast the spells that will close a portal between realms—called the stonefire—to prevent dangerous dark magic from seeping into the Earth realm.
BattleKasters, an interactive app that will take place throughout the con that will give a limited number of attendees the opportunity to participate in an experience that is a cross between Magic: The Gathering and a high-tech treasure hunt.
I think [BattleKasters] is actually a pretty fascinating idea to say the least, one that could easily inspire the creative world in ways we have not seen before and one that has left me curious to know more.
Hypable: Alane Adams discusses ‘The Red Sun’ and her genius plan to get kids to read
The Scotsman: Orkney unveils fantasy fiction answer to Outlander
Sad Clown Radio C2E2 Interview on BattleKasters and The Red Sun
2015 Independent Publisher Book Awards Bronze Medalist in Children’s Picture Books
BBC Radio Orkney
Winner in the Juvenile Fiction Category of the 3rd Annual Beverly Hills International Book Awards
East Oregonian: Author visits Pilot Rock after setting book there
Out of any city in the world to set a series of fantasy books based in Norse mythology, Pilot Rock seems a pretty unlikely choice.
To author Alane Adams, however, the small Eastern Oregon city was perfect.
Psychology Today: BattleKasting a Path to Literacy
Entrepreneur Alane Adams worries that kids don’t read enough. This, along with some nudging from her son, inspired her to put pen to paper and create the fantasy book series,The Legends of Orkney(link is external), based on Norse mythology. The series is full of magic and adventure in order to entice kids to read. But how do you motivate kids to want to open a book in the first place? The answer for Alane was to introduce her books to potential readers by extending the Legends of Orkney series into other platforms, starting with a mobile game called BattleKasters1. Alane set out targeting reading literacy, but she has created a training ground for essential 21st century literacies that draw from reading, gaming and constructing transmedia narratives.
ICv2: Rob’s ICv2 article on fancons mentions BattleKasters, was also picked up by ComicBook Resources
One of the more interesting implementations of beacons is a new project that is bringing real-time location-based mobile gaming to conventions. BattleKasters, developed by Artifact Technologies (a company I am doing some work with) and based on the Legends of Orkney fantasy books by author Alane Adams, combines the mechanics of card-based games like Magic: The Gathering with beacons and augmented reality to create a game that attendees can play casually during conventions, while waiting in lines or wandering around the dealers’ room. It is set to debut in a private beta test at ECCC, with a full rollout later this convention season.
The Culturist: Included Alane in the best transmedia authors in publishing
Buzzfeed: Q&A with Alane touching on the book and BattleKasters
Everyone get excited because here is an exclusive interview with Alane Adams! Alane is a literacy advocate, as well as the author of the upcoming Legends of Orkney book series. Check out the question and answer below!
The Red Sun: An IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award Finalist in the Best New Voice: Children’s/Young Adult category
12-year-old Sam Baron must travel through a stonefire to the magical realm of Orkney to rescue his friends and stop an ancient curse.
“The Red Sun: Legends Of Orkney” Earns Story Monster Approval
CHANDLER, AZ (September, 2014) – The judges of the Story Monster Approved program, which recognizes accomplished authors in the field of children’s literature have spoken, and The Red Sun: Legends of Orkney by Alane Adams has earned approval.
The colorful, kid-friendly Story Monster Approved seal attracts the attention of young readers much more than a sticker intended for adult scrutiny. Kids know when they see the Story Monster Approved patch it means children their own age enjoyed the book and are recommending they read it, too. How do they know that? Because after books pass the first round of rigorous judging – which is done by industry experts, the books are then judged by a panel of youth judges who must also endorse the books before they can receive the official seal of approval.
The Red Sun: Legends Of Orkney” Receives A Five Star!
“This is the sort of adventure story that will keep children glued to the book. The references to Norse mythology are exciting and the author has woven a great adventure tale with a lot of twists and turns. The story also has a lot of fun, mystery, witchcraft, humor and whimsy. The narration is detailed and the precision with which the characters and the scenes are laid out makes the story very real. The land of Orkney is really fascinating and exciting, with magical creatures and adventures that will enchant young readers. It is a perfect adventure story for kids and I really am looking forward to the sequel, The Moon Pearl, for more action and excitement.”
Reviewed by Manta Madhavan for Readers Favorite
For the full review, click here
“Percy Jackson Meets Norse Mythology In This Captivating Adventure.” Foreword Reviews
Alane Adams weaves a rollicking tale of adventure, filled with magic and mayhem, in The Red Sun, first in the Legends of Orkney series. Adams combines elements of Norse mythology and Umatilla tradition to send her young protagonist, Sam, on a unique quest to find himself and to save the entire realm of Orkney in the process.